Thomas L. Usher III. (Tucker)
God has had His hand on me for a long time yet I was continuing to live as the world. On a daily basis I was drinking, smoking marijuana and even selling it. Through the grace of God and His unfailing love He has led me to the Sunshine Rescue Mission and Has been really transforming my life and molding me into the man He's inended me to be. I've now been clean and sober over 9 months from everything including cigarettes. I read the Bible daily and have better understanding of Gods Word. I have a strong relationship with my daughter and all thanks goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I do all of this because I feel God has called me to do these things. Being obedient to God is what I live for.
God has had His hand on me for a long time yet I was continuing to live as the world. On a daily basis I was drinking, smoking marijuana and even selling it. Through the grace of God and His unfailing love He has led me to the Sunshine Rescue Mission and Has been really transforming my life and molding me into the man He's inended me to be. I've now been clean and sober over 9 months from everything including cigarettes. I read the Bible daily and have better understanding of Gods Word. I have a strong relationship with my daughter and all thanks goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I do all of this because I feel God has called me to do these things. Being obedient to God is what I live for.